I want to kiss you

I want to kiss you.

I want to make love to you like it is our first
time every day all the time, I want to hold
hands on the white Malibu beach sands
until the moon comes up and the sun goes
down. I want to kiss your lips and your body
too all over and all night until the early morning
dew. I want to hold you against me until time
flies away then hold you even tighter until the
end of days. I want to know every inch of your
body while watching your every single move
just like I have all day long like a thousand
times before. I want to wake up every morning
while lying next to you like all the days that
have come and gone before with all of the
nighttime too. I want to start our day
with a brand new love and forget about the
past looking forward to an eternity to a love like
ours, that we both know will last. I want
every day that I lay my eyes upon you to feel
like it was the first, with my heart pounding,
my soul dancing, my lips singing that she is the
one for sure. I want all of our kisses to be just for
you and me, and I want to love you just as much
as you love me from death do us part to even
further when the sun makes love to the moon.

Richard M Knittle Jr. ©
© A #Poets Journey


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