The story of her and I
The story of her and I My whole life has been filled with hopes and dreams that have risen up higher than I could ever imagine yet never have quite come true, for every time I thought that I had found true love it always left me looking like a fool, leaving me with a heart that was broken, beat up, and bruised one after one three times in all left me blue, I gave up I did my best putting out the effort for second best, then I saw her one day a work I thought to myself, "she is a beautiful girl so I would stare at her for hours without her even knowing kinda creepy I know, studying her every curve watching wear a sweater which held some secrets one's that I had to know, then going home and falling asleep just so I could dream all about her, for the minute that I closed my eyes I was in a strange place with just me and a giant book that would open up right before my eyes, so I started reading, it was the story of our life it read "Once upon a time, is the way it s...