How the ink begin to flow. (Part Two) I am in love with a fallen angel
I am in love with a fallen angel
One of the saddest days that I have ever had in
my whole life thus far was the day that I
held the most beautiful woman I have ever known
tightly in my arms, as she trembled against my
clothed body with my heart pounding so hard that
I thought it would burst out and one that was filled
with more love for her then she could ever even
Imagine and it was raging inside of me with flames
smoldering like a fire burning out of control with
so much passion that she herself or even anyone
else for that matter would ever know, meanwhile
a flood of tears was falling like a bad winters
storm or a category five hurricane somewhere
out in the middle of the ocean from the deep
dark sadness of her big brown sexy eyes that
were reflecting all the signs of a hidden sorrow
and the shadows that were leftover of her long
much regretful past that seems to follow her
everywhere she goes, as she sobbed and cried
uncontrollably which was coming from her heart
that had been badly broken so many times into
a million pieces that it just may never heal
again along with a wounded completely lost,
the lonely shattered soul who is still trembling in
fear of another rejection so much so it can no
longer whisper all of her deep dark secrets or
dance by itself outside at midnight in the rain,
and all I could do was stand there as a friend
should acting sometimes like a fool and hold
her just like I have so many times before and
and for the first time lie when I told her that it
would all be okay even though I knew deep
down inside that it was going to be somehow
different this time around and I had not a clue
at all of what will happen, as the once strong
the independent woman looked up at me looking
fragile as glass the tears begin to fill my eyes, I
truly do believe though that she is a real fallen
angel who fell from God's grace from somewhere
in the heavens above with a wild streak that is
more than any woman and too much for any man to
handle that you need to see to believe who
has lost her way back home and her wings to
fly her there, I mean how else can you explain
her incredibly, intoxicating, mesmerizing beauty
that is oozing from inside of her to the outside
which looks like a beauty queen that there is no
disputing and the tiny broken halo that lays upon
her head, she is only wanting to be loved like no
other has before, giving them her everything, but
has only been used lied to and abused for her
incredible body, that has been beaten, bruised, and
even bloodied, as every man she ever touches
falls in love with her forevermore driving them
insane with jealousy if they cannot have her all
to themselves. What was that? yes I do hear all
of your whispering, you want to know everything
like how I know her so well, you see her and me
have been friends for as long as I can remember
finding the truth through many lies in each other
finding ourselves left alone together when there
was no one left but us who out of loneliness
at one time or another have also been lovers in
the past as I too have been touched by her as
we came together as a friend would do while
never judging the things we do conclude with
the revelation and forever have fallen in love but
never went insane, maybe I am much stronger
than I ever knew or I truly do love her for more
then her body we may never know, but out of all
the others, I am the one who is still here beside
her in whatever she may decide I am to her and
here I will always be just waiting patiently for her
to finally see that I can treat her the way she needs
to be, then, we can walk hand and hand on a deserted
beach in the sand and maybe I could help this
beautiful fallen angel who fell from heaven straighten
out her halo and finally find her wings again to
fly back home.
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