That is the question

 That is the question

At the very moment, we are conceived a
timer will begin, counting down day by day
until the very end, how much time do we
have? No one really knows, so use the time
that you are given and help each other out,
because life is hard down here on earth as
we struggle every day finding food and water
and shelter just to lay your head, with hate
and violence taking place in every land from
sea to shining sea, coming from ignorance
which is caused by nothing more than fear
that is fed from our own human stupidity,.
To be or not to be is the question that I
struggle with every single day as I watch in
terror all of humankind trying so hard to kill
itself while destroying humanity, we talk of
peace around the world but never will it be
because we must first and foremost find
peace within ourselves a very Nobel thought
indeed, but alas I know that it shall always
remain just a dream that we will never see,
human emotions conflict with peace it is
something we cannot deny as we were made
to survive by any means live our life and breed,
jealousy, greed, hate, and anger are just a few
of our emotions and there are many more but
just those few are enough to show you what
I mean, with every tick upon the clock a grain
of sand will fall, each one just another reminder
we do not have much time at all, I have seen
the bad and the good with everything in between
I have felt the pain of hate and anger and
have given it back in return times three, I have
felt the wraith of a woman's scorn and there
has been a woman I have burned, been to war
across the world and was shot by an angry man
so I shot back with all I had killing many men
I have seen man rise up into the sky as
he tries to touch the sun just as rockets fell back
to earth destroying everyone, so I will ask the
question again "to be or not to be" but I still
cannot answer yet maybe one day we shall see,
there is one thing I have not told you that might
make you feel less pain as there are two words
you should know and they are faith and hope two
things we cannot live without a man. Hope is all
that is left when we have nothing else when all
looks lost and you have nothing else to hang hope
will get you through the night turning the darkness
into the light, you must have faith in our God that he
will hear our prayers to help us fight all that is bad
and fill our hearts with love. So even though things
look bad around the globe with pandemics now
the norm we have seen it all before yet here we stand
today, so do not give up on hope and prayer for we will
all walk out of the storm one day.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey
Craig Burt, Joyce Dianne Smith and 1 other


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