I have risen

I have risen

I have risen up from out of my prison
that I have built out of misery, anger,
pain, and sorrow where I have been
locked away and forgotten about in
the cold and bitter darkness that now
surrounds me so very lonely and
afraid from the days back before
yesterday through all of my many
tomorrows, but not today, no as I
have finally gotten away to be free
for God in all of His Glory has finally
given me the key which I have been
missing to unlock all of the lies that
have chained me down constructed
by my own guilt in the truths that I
now hide while blaming all the others
for what was living and breathing in
my own mixed up and twisted mind
where an evil lives and hides among
all the good that I have inside as it
started out slowly maybe even a bit
diabolically so methodically killing
off all of who it is I ever was by taking
away everything than anyone I ever
have loved including my own children
whom I do love so very much until all
that was left behind was the empty
shell of me, myself, and I until today
when God our kind and wonderful
King, gave me more hope which I
have not felt in so long and strength
to chase all my demons away as he
helped me to once again understand
what love really is between a woman
and a man. So here I stand right now
here today right in front of the world
all my family, friends and all my fans
as I fall down upon my knees while
begging you please for all of you
and God high above to forgive me
for all of my sins as I opened up
my heart and let him in to fill with
love and peace again so that I may
now begin to reach out and spread
all the true love that I can and
to all of those people whose love I
have ever lost forsaken or just
thrown away, I am here to say that
I am sorry for ever hurting you as
my intentions were never to harm
any part of you, I gave you my love
as deep as any man ever can an
did the very best I could at the time
that had but it was obviously never
quite enough so instead of taking
blame I blamed you for everything
coming down on you like I was a king
and you were nothing at all while
hurting and destroying any hope of
restoring anything at all burning all of
my bridges slamming the door calling
you all names like bitches and whores,
but I know now that love still and will
and last forever but not the way I wanted
so forgive me if you can if not that
is okay I do understand, but I will still
in my heart, mind, and soul take a
small piece of you everywhere I go
as I give up the anger and hate I have
had that was only holding me back
still, but you should know that I do love
and always will love every one of you
until the end of time.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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