I could see it in your eyes

I could see it in your eyes

When you and I had met that very first time
I knew right then and there you were a 
angel and I needed to make you mine
I had that feeling when we talked
for I could see it in your eyes I could
feel your soul trying so hard reaching out
in a silent scream calling out at me to get 
the attention of mine and indeed it did yet
it kept quiet and so afraid to speak only
whispering quiet secrets in my heart that
you were the one for me but since it chose
another in error it did not want to make another
mistake but I knew what he had felt for the hole
left by loneliness felt so much smaller after that
one meeting that you and I had I also could
sense that you felt it as well as your heart 
beats harder and faster in passion than most 
at least of anyone I have ever met so far in my life
 I have always had an eye on you and planned 
on exploring that avenue at some time but 
my better lack of judgment caught me off guard 
as fell back through the sands of time, trying 
to hide all the pain and my fear like most
people drink well I am afraid that vice is not 
mine, in all the relationships I have ever had
I give everything that I can that is wonderful
I know that for sure but never getting anything
back hurts like hell, being used lied to and stepped
on I should change my name to Matt as a door
sorry I tried to make you laugh, I am just trying
in my way which is all I know to do that I am
so very broken I am not sure anymore if I can ever
heal, you are an angel with a halo that is a 
little bit woman with the heart of a saint
that has been through some wars, your heart still
beats and has far from being broke a fighter in
love who never gives up, I feel something special
in my heart and lonely soul that you are also
very blessed and have a purpose down here on
this broken and dying planet that we call earth
what it may be you may or may not know quite yet
If you listen to the sounds made by the wind and
the rain or the clouds in the skies as they pass you
on by you will hear very clearly as God speaks 
to us, as He does all the time He will tell what He
needs of you when he feels it is time God uses
those of us whose souls can never be beat 
beaten bruised and battered yes but we always
stand back up. I feel very strongly that you and I
met not by luck or chance but design by our fate
please be patient with me I am trying to still heal
hell I do not know if I still can even feel and dating
do people still go out? what do you wear nowadays
or say to each other or even know what to do 
in this day in age of hooking up with as many 
people that you could, flowers, candy do I still open
doors dinner movie or me a fool on a dancing floor?
breakfast dinner both or more can I kiss you at the
end when I walk you to your door? you see I was not
joking when I said I have no idea because I am now
as you can tell by all of my words that I am just an old
crazy damn old fool.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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