where is good old Uncle Sam?

I hope everyone stays safe on this 4th of July 2020 what a year it has been with COVID 19 I mean just six months ago if you had a weapon on you wearing a mask you would have the police after you actually this is Texas you would have the sheriff looking for you and you would be an outlaw looking to rob a bank or train but now you get arrested for not wearing one totally insane, maybe this year we should reflect on what we are celebrating from 1776 to today and beyond, I personally do not believe that our founding fathers would be okay with what they created to what we have become. free·dom [ˈfrēdəm] NOUN the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. "the shark thrashed its way to freedom" synonyms: liberty · liberation · release · emancipation · deliverance · delivery · discharge · nonconfinement · extrication · amnesty · pardoning In a country whose money is stamped in God, we trust I guess He is not trusted enough as we took the prayers out of schools our children no longer look up and to tell the truth I have had enough. how about you? Where is good old Uncle Sam? Tonight looks a lot like the night that the star-spangled banner waved with all of the bombs bursting in air and fireworks exploding everywhere as far as the eye could see, while the reflection of the lights lit up my hazel green eyes you could see teardrops falling down my face, as I start remembering all my brothers and sisters in arms who had fought and died, a hero everyone for our way of life and the freedom to enjoy it. who must be right now turning over in their graves in disgust for how this country has turned out while we are now fighting with each other from sea to suing sea. The eagle that once flew proudly across this great land is missing in action and he is nowhere to be found and the purple mountains majesty has lost its golden crown as it is now being flattened for strip malls and condominiums that no one can afford anyhow. Our flag that once stood for freedom is now being ripped apart and burned while Americans are still treated very differently depending on the color of their skin from which you and I are born, All of the rich keep on getting richer as the poor become much poorer and the the middle class of this country who is that? Are all now forever gone, while those who are sworn to protect and serve us no longer really care as they are much too busy writing tickets making millions for laws that are so unfair, the cost of living is constantly climbing even as wages are going down so now the children who are our future are raising themselves because parents are never home, needing to work at least three jobs just to pay the bills trying hard to get ahead while falling three steps behind, families that have been torn apart by addiction a disease the government will not cure,. Veterans, our children, and the elderly are finding themselves homeless more and more hungry cold tired and living on the streets with a government only passing laws making it illegal to give them money or even something to eat, corporations are making record profits unlike they have never seen while stealing hard-earned retirement savings from their loyal workers just to give themselves raises, Rolls Royces, and five mansions each, then shutting down as they are filing bankruptcy and hiding money in offshore accounts letting go millions who now are unemployed then walking away Scott free, For a country who talks about freedom in this once great land of the free, they sure pass more laws every day so more people can be arrested then placed in privately owned prisons, making those inside work very hard for nothing which is nothing more than modern-day slavery while murders, rapist, molesters, abusers, are walking the streets because the police were chasing people who had taillights out or expired tags they forgot or mandatory insurance that cost way too much or even parking too long or not in the right spot or smoking a weed that grows from the ground which was never picked by slaves unlike tobacco who adds poison to every leaf believe it or not, A country whose arms were always wide open giving hope to all of those who had none, standing with a shining light held high to show those running away from wars. looking for religious freedom, or a home to make their mark, the way home, but now hides behind her border walls while pushing values only it believed to countries around the world, screaming loud for the world of human rights while we ourselves are jailing innocent children who have done nothing at all, while taking their parents away leaving them all alone, and all I can say is I just do not understand as the lights go dim on our so-called freedom as we all watch it slowly die. so what happened to the country I pledge allegiance too and grew up, what happened to the home of the brave what happened the bell that rang for freedom what happened to what we believe in and where is good old Uncle Sam? Poet Richard M Knittle Jr. The end of A Poet's Journey


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