We were all born

We were all born

We were all born down here on this planet together
but nobody really even cares from all of the garbage
that we create and then just throw on the ground to
all the pollution that we pump up into the air.
we are all divided by race, wealth, gender, religion
and the color of our skins and for what? We all
bleed the same color and shed the same tears
for family, pain, feelings and fears, when you look
at a man you need to see what is on the inside
before you make up your mind stop labeling us
with colors since we are all the same in Gods eyes
who started it does anybody really know or even
how long it is been? let's get educated look forward
not back where we have been because there is no fault
I mean all sides are wrong we share equally in that sin.
Think about it for just a minute and see the light start
to shine, governments all of them, need us to fight
among each other, it is called divide and conquer
they use it in war all the time, for if we did finally all begin
to get along that means we stand united and the feds
will start to sing a different song. freedom is an idea that
really never will exist yet heroes die in its name
how are we free with more laws passed then there
are people walking on the streets as they watch hoping
that we break them get arrested thrown in jail therefore
becoming modern day slaves to the state, that even
Abraham Lincoln is probably turning in his grave,
just look around you no matter when and where you go
and you will see all of the violence and hate, from a
man in his late nineties being robbed of his only
three dollars to teenage young women being
drugged and getting raped. I mean Innocence has been
lost now forever with our children dying more now on
the streets the reasons are simple and if you just open
your eyes you will see. that the once so-called family
that used to bind us as they all stayed together that
taught us all about love and respect well they are
now all gone for forever because of the world that
we all created that is dying and it really does not give a shit.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
#Poets Journey


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