I had lived I had lived a whole entire life all over again before the very first tear had even hit the ground splashing as it broke apart just like my heart has into a million tiny pieces and then I was reborn I lived and I died in another just as the second one had fallen than a third and a fourth as they continued on falling until the last of all my teardrops that shall ever fall down my face taking an eternity fell from my eyes, but yet no matter where I had searched or how hard that I tried spanning well over twenty-five thousand lives I still never could come close to ever finding another love that was like the one you and I had once shared together and even though it was only for a short moment in Gods creation it had always felt like it was forever whenever we made love.

I had lived

I had lived a whole entire life all over again before the very first tear had even hit the ground splashing as it broke apart just like my heart has into a million tiny pieces and then I was reborn I lived and I died in another just as the second one had fallen than a third and a fourth as they continued on falling until the last of all my teardrops that shall ever fall down my face taking an eternity fell from my eyes, but yet no matter where I had searched or how hard that I tried spanning well over twenty-five thousand lives I still never could come close to ever finding another love that was like the one you and I had once shared together and even though it was only for a short moment in Gods creation it had always felt like it was forever whenever we made love.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A #Poets Journey


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