The Gift

 The Gift

I am going to create a beautiful masterpiece
just like those of Da Vinci, it will be a classic
write just like Edgar Allan Poe for it will come
straight from the very depths of my heart just
for you, it is to be a special poem for the beautiful
woman who is you. I love you so very much as
you are just a lost soul trying to find your way,
your heart is as warm as the brightest of
sunshine on a warm, cloudless summer day,
you are as beautiful as an Island beach at
sunset and just as wild as a West Texas
tornado in the spring. my heart you have
stolen forever, for you have inspired my soul
now to again dream. You are a breath of
fresh air In my lonely life, that has been
gasping to be free and alive freeing my
mind to believe again, a gift for my heart
you found, for you have shown me that our
young people are yearning to live a life of
they're very own a wild and beautiful woman
you are in a class of your very own, all the
times we have spent together talking about
life and writing my poems are times I will
treasure forever, as you have kept me from
driving myself crazy and keeping a friend
from living life all alone. So thank you so
much for being a good friend while listening
to all of my crazy rants, you have made me
feel like I will be young forever in this crazy
mixed life I call living in life's dance

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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