One day soon

one day soon

One day soon I will be gone 
without having said goodbye
but please know I will be okay 
as I will feel no more pain inside 
I hope all of you know how much 
I truly loved you while I was here
and where ever God takes me
know I will still love you and wished He would have let me
stay for just a little bit longer
so I could have told you all of
this myself that everything is
gonna be ok whether we kept in
touch or not sometimes when a
Mother and Father have a breakup the kids are the ones
who feel all the pain which was
not my intention which I am
sorry about and needed to let
them know it was not their fault
and that I just wish I could have
Been a better Dad and never lost
our touch but no matter when
the last time we talked I have
never not loved you every single
Second of every minute of every
hour of my life from my oldest to
the youngest every memory with
a smile anytime I thought of
them was always the best part
of my life. 

Richard M Knittle Jr.


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