Tis better to have loved

 'Tis better to have loved

I just wanted you to know that I will
always and forever have a love for you
in my heart and deep down in my soul.
Even if you walked away for whatever
reasons you may have, as I will still
continue to love you anyway, no
matter how you may feel about me
because I have loved you long before
we got together and will continue to love
you long after I am gone. I mean, after
all, you made a dream of mine come
true when you called me and ask me
to marry you, they say 'Tis better to
have loved and lost than never to have
loved at all and you know what? It is
true for I never in my life believed that
I could ever love again, but I was so
very wrong, for you have shown me
genuine love is supposed to be as
my friend, my muse, my wife and lover
too, you have reached in and awakened
much more than you may ever know
when you danced with my soul that day
at the lake outside at midnight in the
rain and you are the wishes upon my
falling star, that came true you have
found and picked up all the scattered
pieces and somehow repaired my
broken heart with your incredible smile,
and have taken the darkness that lived
inside of me and replaced it with light with
the passion in your eyes, you breathed
life back inside of me with your kiss
upon my lips starting a flame that shall
never be extinguished, with the feel
of your body pressed up against mine
when you put your arms around me to
hold and hug me. I can feel your heart
pounding against my chest where I feel
your pretty pink nipples become erect,
causing the blood flowing through my
veins to once again start pumping,
bringing to life parts of me that were
long ago forgotten and discarded with
the trash, making me feel like a man so
much, so I want to hold on to you like
the first time so tight that we become
one until the moon makes love to the
sun as they pass each other like two
lovers in the night every morning
when a ray of sunshine passes through
window and catches us with nothing on
but our love for one another dressed like
the day we were born into this world with
the innocence of a newborn baby, just as
our love will be wrapped in a blanket of
trust with nothing more than the affection
admiration and dedication to the sheer
adoration of our love, I can guaranty that
you will never in your life find someone
like me, who loves you unconditionally
without judgment of the past of all that
did not last and today of where you are
at or in the future where my love for you
will live on forevermore.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey


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