I just wanted you to know
I just wanted you to know
I just wanted you to know how much
I love you and I hope one day I can
give you the moon and all of the stars
above and I pray everyday that all
of your dreams and wishes come true,
you mean more to me then the world we live
in and the warmth of the shining sun
as I cannot help but smile and be filled with joy whenever you are around you bring the light to
my life and to my eyes unlike anyone I
have ever known, your beauty is as
ageless as the rising sun making love
every night to the moon you are
my muse my Juliette my Marilyn
Monroe, you are all in my life that is
good you are the ink that flows through
me that spills from my pen upon the paper
creating all the letters to my poems you are
the rhyme and the reason in my poetry ingrained
in all the words, your heart beats harder
for those that you love and whatever it
is you believe in as your soul fights
for loyalty and freedom and is as
wild as a Texas Tornado as you are the thunder
and the lightning in a winters storm. Knowing you has made my life
better in many different ways making
me feel young again and loved in very special
ways and I
love you more every single day.
Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey
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