"A story of one man's epic love for his son who is not of his blood." One day I was woken up by a dream I think it was really a nightmare I was alone or so I thought, I was seeing shadows and I kept hearing voices whispering in my ear so I started listening and writing it down, I still do that today. That was ten years ago and with those words, I wrote my first book., The Battle Lost: Ryder's Birth, It was a whopping fifty-two pages each a separate piece of poetry with extremely bad grammar, misspelled words, and no punctuation I had a good friend go through it when I got it back there were so many red marks I flashed back to high school. It has been on Amazon's top ten Epic Poetry (Free) in the Kindle Store for ten years. Ryder is now eleven years old and doing awesome it really was an epic battle physically, mentally, and emotionally fought in Parker County, Texas. DNA does not matter if you love that child enough and I Proved that. Actually, Attorney Bethel T