I am afraid

I am afraid for myself and what is to come for everyday that passes I am dying just a little bit more while I am becoming weaker and more forgetful each day soon I will be gone just a forgotten memory fading away and nobody will even remember my name. I am afraid for my children because I will never be there for them I mean with me gone who are they gonna blame now for how their life has turned out the only others who may miss me might miss me a little bit I mean who will be there to take all the money I got I am afraid they might just need to finally go find a job I am afraid of dying not for myself but my mother and my boy the only ones who would will really miss me when I am not here for them to enjoy who will be here when my sons need their father or my mother needs her son especially when they look around and I am already gone.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr. 
A Poet's Journey 2024


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