
Forever love

Love Forever I can still remember in vivid detail the first time we met after work it was a beautiful night and there was a smell of stale green beer and pretzels because it was Saint Patrick’s Day I guess some kind of Irish saint who drank a lot anyway I showed up not knowing what to expect yet I felt something was about to change my life and it did as I came around the corner you were standing there more beautiful than I could have ever imagined when my eyes found yours they said out loud WoW yours said yes like you could see straight through to my soul and was answering a question so we got a little bit closer until our lips touched and we kissed like we were the only ones there  just as lightning lit up the skies while thunder was booming from  within our pounding hearts as dark clouds covered up the then the light from the moon and stars disappeared that’s when the Angels looked down covered their eyes and blushed as our demons too were thinking way too much as they were all  beco

There are days

There are days I miss you more than yesterday's sun then there are days I wish I never knew you just want to have some fun then there are those that you do not need to know and others that would send me to hell for  thinking it  but mostly I miss the thought of us when we were only friends and that was all we knew.  Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.

I am afraid

I am afraid for myself and what is to come for everyday that passes I am dying just a little bit more while I am becoming weaker and more forgetful each day soon I will be gone just a forgotten memory fading away and nobody will even remember my name. I am afraid for my children because I will never be there for them I mean with me gone who are they gonna blame now for how their life has turned out the only others who may miss me might miss me a little bit I mean who will be there to take all the money I got I am afraid they might just need to finally go find a job I am afraid of dying not for myself but my mother and my boy the only ones who would will really miss me when I am not here for them to enjoy who will be here when my sons need their father or my mother needs her son especially when they look around and I am already gone. Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.  A Poet's Journey 2024

Happily ever after amen.

Happily ever after amen.  Every now and then you will meet someone that makes your heart begin to pound so hard that it feels as if it will break through your chest or crack a few ribs at best, as you can hear  your blood flowing through  your veins like a mighty river fed by the rains of angry massive wintkrms to the sea also making it hard to breathe as you start to feel the heat coming from somewhere down deep in your soul smoldering until you see her beautiful face then your heated passion takes control igniting a raging fire the is now burning out of control as it feels like it is two hundred fifty degrees and your boiling from the inside, as tears fall from your eyes as their sheer beauty is so bright it leaves you feeling blind, and when they look up and smile at you the oh so real feeling of panic hits you right in the face as you freeze up talking nothing but gibberish losing all concept of speech and losing control of your knees falling to the ground as if you were in a coma

I believe

I believe that beauty is a sight to beholden,  so my eyes are beholden unto you just as the  stars in the night do not shine as bright as all  the sparkles from your eyes and your smile  lights up the whole wide world. Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.

Will Still

Will Still The sun will still shine and birds will still sing the rain will still fall along with the leaves from the trees while the waves will still crash down upon the sandy beach  snow will still fall in the mountains in the winter at least who knows how deep the flowers will still bloom when it comes to the spring the rivers will still flow and the fish will still swim in the oceans and lakes birthdays will still come to blow out candle sticks christmas will still come except there will be one person less that would be me Just more food for you to eat maybe less presents under the tree then a new year will still come the next will still too bombs will still drop and bullets will still fly killing innocent people who will  still die in wars around the world before breakfast I never knew why the moon will still rise every single  Night just as the sun will fall in the  west making love to each other as they have done now for ages humans will still fight over some thing called religi

When I close my eyes

When I Close my Eyes I might not be able to change the world and I might not be able to change your mind I might not be able to make you love me but I can dream about It when I close  my eyes late at night when I am living somewhere in my mind for  that is where  I go every chance  When I want to escape All the violence and the hate a place where you and I walk hand and hand Down the peaceful streets At night after our date A place that is filled with laughter and tears drinking margaritas on the beach with you while we are dancing in the rain where I always smile and I forget all the pain a place where peace has won the war and race matter not any more where we can all now dance out in the streets rich or poor now all live next door to door a place where the sun shines every day and there are no dark clouds anymore where there are no chains that bind us all and we all matter bi

It has been 10 years since I wrote my first book.

  "A story of one man's epic love for his son who is not of his blood." One day I was woken up by a dream I think it was really a nightmare I was alone or so I thought, I was seeing shadows and I kept hearing voices whispering in my ear so I started listening and writing it down, I still do that today. That was ten years ago and with those words, I wrote my first book., The Battle Lost: Ryder's Birth, It was a whopping fifty-two pages each a separate piece of poetry with extremely bad grammar, misspelled words, and no punctuation I had a good friend go through it when I got it back there were so many red marks I flashed back to high school. It has been on Amazon's top ten Epic Poetry (Free) in the Kindle Store for ten years. Ryder is now eleven years old and doing awesome it really was an epic battle physically, mentally, and emotionally fought in Parker County, Texas. DNA does not matter if you love that child enough and I Proved that. Actually, Attorney Bethel T