Have you ever cried

This is the first piece I have written in several weeks since getting out of the hospital, I felt a lot of pain and sorrow not physical but in my soul, met some angels who are nurses and a few new ones heading home including a few that came to see the room they had once stayed before they moved on. This is for their loved ones who left the stains of their teardrops on the wall.

Have you ever cried

Have you ever cried outside on a sunny summer day?
Have tear drops fallen when you heard a certain song being played?
Have your eyes seen someone special who was not really there?
Have your ears heard voices when nobody was around of someone whom you cared?

Well, your not crazy and your not
a damn fool, no, that is how you
know your heart is still broken and
trying to heal reaching out just
trying to feel anything a touch, a
kiss, a thought from the one you
loved who is no longer here.

Have you ever heard a whisper all alone in the middle of the
Have you ever felt the warmth of their body in your bed all alone with arms wrapped around you tight?
Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that when you woke to an empty room you could feel it still?

Well, your not crazy and your not
a damn fool, no, that is how you
know your heart is still broken and
trying to heal reaching out just
trying to feel anything a touch, a
kiss, a thought from the one you
loved who is no longer here.

Love will linger long after they are gone either as an angel up in heaven or words in someone else's song, and even though it feels like time has forgotten you just remember that forever is not that very long your heart will mend you will stand tall again and finally you will move on.

Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.

A #Poets Journey


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