She is I am we are

She is I am we are After a long debate over a relationship, I recently had I was asked why I am still trying to talk with her and I thought about and could not give an answer then I felt a strange vibration throughout my body and I closed my eyes and heard the murmurs of a muse so I started writing and this is what I wrote "She is my muse whether it be good or bad that I cannot lie I may love her I may not either way my words come through her as they find their way into my thoughts, it is something I can not break for I have tried for many days and even longer nights she is my double or my twin quite the opposite in every single list, I draw my energy from her, and I feel lost without her, I hate to love her and I love to hate her. She is a painting that I never seem to finish, she is the dark at night I am the light of day she will be my death she is my life until the end of days, she is the first and the very last of everything I know from the future to the past, she is, I am we...